Nazareth School – Banakal

Behavior Outside School Hours

A student of Nazareth School behaves well even outside the School and wherever she/he goes. The School will take necessary action when misconducts may be reported which are immoral or violent.

Identity Cards

Every student will be provided Identity Cards. The student ID card must be worn to School regularly as part of the uniform. The other ID must be carried by the person assisting the child and has to be produced at the School gate on demand.

School Uniforms

An attitude of universal love and compassion for all of God’s creation and develops a sense of the Divine and is able to commune with God. Thus she / he gives personal meaning, worth, energy and direction to one’s life and actions.

Student Leadership The Student Council

The student council has been established to assist the Principal and the staff in the smooth running of the School. The council consists of the Head Girl/Boy, Assistant head girl/boy, the games captain, and assistant games captain, the prefects, the house captains and vice captains, the Editor, Co-editors, Band leaders and cultural secretary. These office-bearers play a vital role in maintaining discipline and order. All students are answerable to the office bearers for their conduct in the School. Along with staff editors, the editors and co-editors are responsible for the School magazine.

House System

The house colors are Green, Blue, Red and Yellow.. Each house, under its moderator and captain tries to live up to the ideals of its patron. The House competes with each other in studies, sports, and other activities.

Students promoted from Senior K.G. to Grade 1 are required to fill in the prescribed admission Form for Grade 1.

General Rules

Physical Education Programme

The School has a regular physical education program coaching facilities available for Athletics, Basketball, Volley ball, Throw ball and Cricket. Counselling facilities are provided for the students.