Nazareth School – Banakal


All parents/ Guardians are members of this Association. The P.T.A functions as an advisory body to assist the management in the School improvement programs.

Code Of Discipline

The School day begins with an assembly at 9.15 a.m. the students must be on time for the assembly. Those who come late require an admit slip from the Principal.

Habitual late – comers are not allowed to attend classes, or meet other sanctions given by authorities.

During the school day, if a student needs to leave the school campus, he/she must get a written permission from the principal and class teacher. No student is allowed to leave school premises unless accompanied by parent/ guardian. Punctuality and regular attendance are required of every  student. He/she should abide by the holidays granted by the school and not prolong vacations and holidays without urgent need. Attendance on the opening day and closing day of every term/ long vacation is compulsory. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the school for students. It will be confiscated if any student is found to carry one in the school premises. The confiscated items shall not be returned. Students are prohibited from bringing cameras, Cds, Slam books, Novels,
picture magazines, toys comics, video, audio tapes, cosmetics, change of clothes or shoes without specific permission from the class teacher. Care should be taken for school property. Students are expected to pay for all the damages they cause to school property. In order to preserve simplicity and uniformity among students, wearing bindhi, mehandi and jewellery are not permitted. Avoid wearing expensive earrings, and coloured glass frames to school.

These will be confiscated and handed over to the parents. A pair of simple earrings, preferably studs may be worn. Students may not offer presents to their teachers. Students are expected to put in a minimum of 90% of the attendance.


Child Abuse

We are SCN Educators are committed to the Welfare and Safety of children entrusted to our care.

We oppose all forms of child exploitation and child abuse including child sexual abuse in all our educational institutions and places of work with zero tolerance.

Prayer At Morning Assembly

O my God, I offer you all I think or do or say today. Help me to do what is right and to keep away from what is wrong. Bless me, bless my father, mother and teachers and all those love, so that we  may all come to know you and love you better every day.

Prayer Before Meals

O my God, bless us and bless the food which we are going to eat.

Prayer After Meals

We thank you, God, for the food we have just eaten and for all the good things you have given us.

Prayer At The End Of The Day

O my God, I thank you for this day. I thank you for my teachers who taught me today, for my companions with whom I spent this day. I am grateful for all that I have learnt today. I am truly sorry for the wrongs I have done today. I ask your forgiveness and promise to do better in the future. Please help me, God.


“India is my Country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country. I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it; I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect, and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well- being and prosperity alone lies my happiness”.

We Are Gathering

1. We are gathering together unto Him(2)
    Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be, We are gathering together unto Him.
2. Singing 3. Offering 4. Praying

We Shall Overcome

We shall overcome (2)

We shall overcome some day

Oh deep in my heart, I do believe

That we shall overcome some day

We’ll walk hand in hand (2)

We’re not afraid (2)