Nazareth School – Banakal

Library And Reading Room


The intellectual caliber of students depends to a large degree on the availability of infrastructure facilities at the school. The school is equipped with a large library well stocked with various books on all aspects of science and technology, classic, modern and contemporary works of literature, up-to-date books in career counseling and personality development etc. The library also has a collection of CDs of Encyclopedia, books on environmental awareness, stories and inventions and discoveries. We are also on the subscriber lists of several leading journals and Academic weeklies. There are over 5,000 books on the shelves and these are issued to students and teachers periodically.

School Library And Reading Room

The School has a large Library well stocked with the latest tomes on all aspects of science and technology, classic, modern and contemporary works of literature, up-to-date books in career counseling and personality development etc. The Library also has a collection of CDs of Encyclopedia, environment awareness topics, stories and inventions and discoveries. We are also on the subscriber lists of several leading journals and weeklies.

“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body”. Hence students should form a habit of reading good literature. They must take proper care of the school library books and magazines used by them. Perfect silence and order must be maintained in the library.