Nazareth School – Banakal


Experience is life’s gift to us and creativity is our gift to life. Innovative mind with a stint on creativity brings success and makes life anew and afresh. Various clubs have been setup to promote the diverse talents of our students. These create a platform for the students to bring out the best in them in literary, cultural and scientific aspects, through the values of sharing, cooperation and team work.

The Science Club

SCIENTIA aims to develop scientific reasoning and thinking, competitive spirit and inquisitiveness. This club gives students the opportunity to conduct hands-on experiments and build on their scientific knowledge. It’s a place where a whole lot of critical, analytical, technical and scientific dialogue takes place.

The Eco Club

The Eco Club aims to create and develop environmental awareness and respect towards biocentrism through activities and exhibitions of children’s talents. This club plays an important role in creating awareness amongst the present generation to safeguard and save the environment without compromising the need and ability of the future generations.

The Mathematics Club

The Mathematics Club aims to develop and improve the knowledge and skills of students who are inclined towards the exploration of math. It promotes enthusiasm and interest in students who wish to gain more knowledge in the subject. This clubs caters to students who are gifted with logical, mathematical and communicational skills and abilities.

Literary Club

Literary Club aims at nurturing student’s love for language and encourages effective communication. The club focuses on experiential learning through inter school competitions, book club meetings, poetry and prose discussions and theatre. It encourages students become orators to display their intellectual and independent thinking skills and imbibe a sense of confidence.

The Heritage Club

The Heritage Club aims to create opportunity for the students to know about the importance of our culture, heritage and to create awareness on the need for sustainability. The club inculcates Indian moral values by incorporating the attractive background of Indian festivals, Indian and international cultures in all students.

The Information and Technology Club

TECHNOVATION, is formed by a group of students who share an interest in technology. The club explores both computer architecture and new application software. The mission is to develop team work and promote computer programming, expanding the scope of computer knowledge within the campus.

Health and Fitness Club

Health and Fitness Club’s mission is to support student wellness and learning through educational and health promotion services that help them create healthy lifestyles. Health and fitness club will provide group workshops and interventions aimed at creating a healthy campus community for all students. The club will be catering to areas such as fitness, nutrition, stress management, sexual health, alcohol and drug use.

The Good Samaritan club

The Good Samaritan club is a voluntary charitable association initiated by the students of Nazareth School Banakkal which intends to sensitize the students towards those who are less privileged. The club involves itself in many activities like visiting orphanages, spreading awareness on social issues through street plays and theatre.