Nazareth School – Banakal


Library And Reading Room

The intellectual caliber of students depends to a large degree on the availability of infrastructure facilities at the school. The school is equipped with a large library well stocked with various books on all aspects of science and technology, classic, modern and contemporary works of literature...


The laboratories at the Nazareth School provide its students with hands on learning experience. Independent and well equipped labs such as Computer, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Language lab etc. provide students a professional learning environment in the campus.

Smart Class Room

Initiation of ‘smart class’ has made teaching and learning process more effective. The concept of ‘mugging up’ has given way to understanding the concepts and its application. Smart Class is an integral part of teaching methodology at Nazareth School

Counselling Centre

The counselor at Nazareth School works in confidential setting and lends a patient ear to all the problems and worries of the students and parents. She guides the students to deal with emotional conflicts and personal problems in their daily life.