Nazareth School – Banakal


Nazareth School, Banakal, is a Christian Minority School owned and administered by the S N Patna. Nazareth School is a recognized School, following the I.C.S.E. Syllabus. It strives to impart sound formation through all round education. The aim of this institute is to help the students grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, psychologically and socially in an atmosphere of freedom and responsibility with special emphasis on character formation.

Our Mission

We the SCN educators enable our schools to be centres of learning that Provide opportunities,
without discrimination, for competence in all fields; Work towards creating a just and fair society
reverencing all forms of life;

Form socially conscious and secular citizens who show compassion towards the marginalized, women,
children and care for the earth;

Nurture gender & culture sensitive and responsible human beings; Promote faith formation of
Christians and spiritual formation of all.

Our Vision

We envision a society where all persons get quality education that enables them to realize all
their potentials, paving their way to higher and professional education, nurturing quality of life
which brings about a just and equitable society and protecting mother earth where all enjoy peace
and harmony.